Express installation
The SI Warcounter directory contains a file named initGui.jar. Double click on it (if it doesn't start, open a command window in the SI directory and type java -jar initGui.jar), click on Next>> and once more on Finish(x), you are done.
Start SI Warcounter.

Somewhat more detailed
SI Warcounter has been designed to theoretically work with any SQL database. It reads the file from the program directory or the user home directory to determine the connection properties. The properties
must be defined.
If no external DB is available the embedded Derby DB can be used. This is the default. In that case the additional property database.path can be set to define the path of the database on disk, e.g. in Home directory (${user.home}), program directory (${user.dir}), some subdirectory thereof or any other directory. The default is ${user.home}/db.
Driver and sample configuration for an external MySQL database is included with SI Warcounter as well.
To use the database, first the needed tables must be created. There are prepared scripts for Derby and MySQL databases in the sql subdirectory.
To use your own external DB you need to provide an own initialization script as well as the JDBC driver to connect to the database. The path to the driver must be entered into database.Library in
When eveything is thus prepared, the DB can be initialized with
java -jar init.jar sql/<script>.sql
or, much more comfortably, with a double click on initGui.jar or with
java -jar initGui.jar
In its upper part initGui.jar displays the used file an (the same one is used by SI Warcounter as well) and, below that, the defined properties.
In the lower part you must select a suitable SQL initialization script. After all is ready a click on Next>> starts the initialization.
The result is displayed on the next page. A click on Finish(x) closes the program.
SI Warcounter is now initialized an can be used.